Monday, May 25, 2009

Monday 05/25

There's been little change over the weekend. The new gas medicine continues to help, however, they may have to take her off of it soon due to complications that can arise from using it for a prolonged amount of time.

There was one major incident, though. Friday night the machine that administers the medicine stopped working properly and Taylor was not getting the medicine. She started seizing again. It took an hour or so to get her brain waves back to a restful state. I just can't understand how this happened with a nurse standing there 24/7 monitoring Taylor. It's very upsetting.

We received sad news about another child - a 16 year old girl named Cyan. She was in the hospital for her second heart transplant. She's been fighting for her life, for a very long while now. We are all very heartbroken to hear of Cyan's passing. Her mother, Rebecca, is a remarkable woman. Our hearts go out to her and her family.

I know that Taylor and all of the children at Vanderbilt are at one of the very top hospitals and the doctors are doing the best that they can. They all need our prayers.